
The graphic record drawn from the results of hearing tests with an audiometer, which charts the threshold of hearing at various frequencies against sound intensity in decibels. [audio- + G. gramma, a drawing]
- pure tone a. a chart of the threshold for hearing at various frequencies usually expressed in decibels relative to normal threshold and usually covering frequencies from 250–8000 Hz.
- speech a. the record of thresholds for spondaic word lists and scores for phonetically balanced word lists.

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au·dio·gram 'ȯd-ē-ō-.gram n a graphic representation of the relation of vibration frequency and the minimum sound intensity for hearing

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the graphic record of a test of hearing carried out on an audiometer.

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au·dio·gram (awґde-o-gram″) [audio- + -gram] a record of the thresholds of hearing of an individual for various sound frequencies.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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