conical fluke

conical fluke

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • paramphistome — par·am·phis·tome .par .am fis .tōm, .par əm n a digenetic trematode of the genus Paramphistomum or of the family (Paramphistomidae) to which it belongs * * * pa·ram·phi·stome (pə ramґfĭ stōm) any member of the family… …   Medical dictionary

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  • Paramphistomum — The rumen fluke, a genus of digenetic trematodes (family Paramphistomatidae) parasitic in the rumen or paunch of cattle; species include P. microbothrioides, P. cervi, and P. liorchis. [para + G. amphistomos, having a double mouth, fr. amphi, two …   Medical dictionary

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