- Retzius fibers
- the stiff filaments of Deiters cells in the organ of Corti.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Retzius fibers space (cavity) veins — Ret·zi·us fibers, space (cavity), veins (retґze oos) [Anders Adolf Retzius, Swedish anatomist, 1796–1860] see under fiber and vein, and see spatium retropubicum … Medical dictionary
Retzius — Magnus G., Swedish anatomist and anthropologist, 1842–1919. See R. striae, under stria, lines of R., under line, foramen of R., calcification lines of R., under line, foramen of Key R., sheath of Key and R.. Anders A., Swedish anatomist and… … Medical dictionary
Fiber — The parts of plants that cannot be digested, namely complex carbohydrates. Also known as bulk or roughage. Complex carbohydrates from plants are rich in starch and fiber. Examples of plants that provide complex carbohydrates (fiber) are fresh… … Medical dictionary
Reelin — is a protein found mainly in the brain, but also in the spinal cord, blood and other body organs and tissues. Reelin is crucial for regulating the processes of neuronal migration and positioning in the developing brain.Besides this important role … Wikipedia
stria — 1. A stripe, band, streak, or line, distinguished by color, texture, depression, or elevation from the tissue in which it is found. SYN: striation (1). 2. SYN: striae cutis distensae. [L … Medical dictionary
line — 1. A mark, strip, or streak. In anatomy, a long, narrow mark, strip, or streak distinguished from the adjacent tissues by color, texture, or elevation. SEE ALSO: linea. 2. A unit of … Medical dictionary
Ligament — A ligament is a tough band of connective tissue that connects various structures such as two bones. Ligament is a fitting term; it comes from the Latin ligare meaning to bind or tie. * * * 1. A band or sheet of fibrous tissue connecting two or… … Medical dictionary
Cerebral cortex — For other uses, see Cortex (disambiguation). Brain: Cerebral cortex The cerebral cortex is the outer layer depicted in dark violet … Wikipedia
Neural development — comprises the processes that generate, shape, and reshape the nervous system, from the earliest stages of embryogenesis to the final years of life. The study of neural development aims to describe the cellular basis of brain development and to… … Wikipedia
Neural development in humans — Main article: Neural development The study of neural development draws on both neuroscience and developmental biology to describe the cellular and molecular mechanisms by which complex nervous systems emerge during embryonic development and… … Wikipedia