Denture — An artificial set of teeth that can be removed. * * * 1. An artificial substitute for missing natural teeth and adjacent tissues. SYN: artificial dentition. 2. Sometimes used to denote the dentition of animals. bar joint d. SYN: overlay d..… … Medical dictionary
telescopic denture — overlay d … Medical dictionary
overdenture — SYN: overlay denture. * * * over·den·ture (o″vər denґchər) overlay denture … Medical dictionary
Prosthesis — An artificial substitute or replacement of a part of the body such as a tooth, eye, a facial bone, the palate, a hip, a knee or another joint, the leg, an arm, etc. A prosthesis is designed for functional or cosmetic reasons or both. A prosthesis … Medical dictionary
Dolder bar — an attachment designed to secure and stabilize an overlay denture; it consists of a bar transected by several screw holes, which are used to attach it to the jaw, and is ovoid to allow some rotational movement of the denture … Medical dictionary
plate — plate1 plateless, adj. platelike, adj. /playt/, n., v., plated, plating. n. 1. a shallow, usually circular dish, often of earthenware or porcelain, from which food is eaten. 2. the contents of such a dish; plateful. 3. an entire course of a meal… … Universalium
plate — [[t]pleɪt[/t]] n. v. plat•ed, plat•ing 1) a shallow, usu. circular dish from which food is eaten 2) the contents of such a dish; plateful 3) an entire course of a meal served on such a dish: a vegetable plate[/ex] 4) the food and service for one… … From formal English to slang
plate — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. platter, dish, utensil, tray; slab, sheet, planch; coating, veneer, coat; denture. See receptacle, layer. v. t. overlay, laminate; gild, silver, platinize; veneer; electroplate. See covering, layer.… … English dictionary for students
medium — 1. A means; that through which an action is performed. 2. A substance through which impulses or impressions are transmitted. 3. SYN: culture m.. 4. The liquid holding a substance in solution or suspension. 5. Any of the substances in which a… … Medical dictionary
Nordic Institute of Dental Materials — AS Formation 1972 Type Research Development Headquarters … Wikipedia