- papillary cystadenocarcinoma
- cystadenocarcinoma characterized by papillary projections into the cystic lumina, usually in the ovary.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Cystadenocarcinoma — Classification and external resources ICD O: 8440/3 MeSH D003536 Cystadenocarcinoma is a malignant form of a cystadenoma and is a malignant neoplasm derived from glan … Wikipedia
serous cystadenocarcinoma — cystadenocarcinoma in which epithelium lined cystic neoplasms are filled with serous fluid, usually found in the ovaries, sometimes with papillary projections from, or masses or thickenings of, the cavity walls … Medical dictionary
Mucinous cystadenocarcinoma — Classification and external resources ICD 10 C56.9 ICD O: 8470/3 MeSH D018282 … Wikipedia
Squamous-cell carcinoma — Squamous cell carcinoma, NOS Classification and external resources SCC of the skin tends to arise from pre malignant lesions, actinic keratoses; surface is usually scaly and often ulcerates (as shown here). ICD 10 … Wikipedia
Ovarian cancer — (human) Classification and external resources Micrograph of a low malignant potential mucinous ovarian tumour. H E stain. ICD 10 … Wikipedia
Adenocarcinoma — Adenocarcinoma, NOS Classification and external resources Micrograph of an adenocarcinoma showing mucin containing vacuoles. Pap test. ICD 9 … Wikipedia
Cystadenoma — Classification and external resources Micrograph showing a pancreatic serous cystadenoma, a type of cystadenoma. H E stain. ICD … Wikipedia
Clear cell adenocarcinoma of the vagina — Classification and external resources ICD O: 8310/3 DiseasesDB 2786 MeSH … Wikipedia
Cystic, mucinous, and serous neoplasms — Classification and external resources ICD O: 8440 8499 MeSH D018297 Cystic, mucinous, and serous neoplasms is a group of tumors. An example i … Wikipedia
Mucinous cystadenoma — Classification and external resources ICD 10 C56.9 ICD O: 8470/0 MeSH D018291 … Wikipedia