- C4b2a3b
- the classical pathway C5 convertase, which cleaves C5 to C5a and C5b; the complex is formed by attachment of C3b to membrane-bound C4b,2a. See also notes at C2a and complement.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Alternative complement pathway — The classical and alternative complement pathways. Alternative pathway … Wikipedia
C3-convertase — The classical and alternative complement pathways. There are two forms of C3 convertase (EC The first is an enzyme composed of the C4b C2a complex, which forms during the classical or lectin pathways of the complement system … Wikipedia
Komplementfaktoren — Schema der Komplementkaskade Das Komplementsystem ist ein System von Plasmaproteinen, das im Zuge der Immunantwort auf zahlreichen Oberflächen von Mikroorganismen aktiviert werden kann. Ursprünglich wurde es als ergänzender (komplementierender)… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Système du complément — Le système du complément est un groupe de 35 protéines connues du sérum, faisant partie de l immunité innée. 12 de ces protéines sont directement impliquées dans les mécanismes d élimination des pathogènes, les autres régulent finement l activité … Wikipédia en Français
Sistema del complemento — Una proteína del complemento atacando una membrana celular. El sistema del complemento es uno de los componentes fundamentales de la respuesta inmunitaria defensiva ante un agente hostil (por ejemplo, microorganismos). Consta de un conjunto de… … Wikipedia Español
Система комплемента — … Википедия
C4 — Fourth component of complement, although the third to be activated in the classical pathway. Becomes activated by cleavage (by C1) to C4b, which complexes with C2a to act as a C3 convertase, generating C3a and C3b. The C4b2a3b complex acts on C5… … Dictionary of molecular biology
complement — Ehrlich term for the thermolabile substance, normally present in serum, that is destructive to certain bacteria and other cells sensitized by a specific c. fixing antibody. C. is a group of at least 20 distinct serum proteins, the … Medical dictionary
C5-Konvertase — Enzymklassifikation EC, Kategorie … Deutsch Wikipedia