follicular center cell lymphoma — any of a large group of B cell lymphomas, comprising four subtypes classified on the basis of the predominant cell type (resembling small cleaved, large cleaved, small noncleaved, and large noncleaved follicular center cells). Because of the wide … Medical dictionary
Follicular lymphoma — Classification and external resources Follicular lymphoma replacing a lymph node ICD 10 C … Wikipedia
Cell — The basic structural and functional unit in people and all living things. Each cell is a small container of chemicals and water wrapped in a membrane. Each cell in the human body there are 100 trillion cells in each of us contains the entire… … Medical dictionary
follicular predominantly small cleaved cell lymphoma — the most common type of follicular lymphoma; it has a low grade of malignancy and is characterized by the formation of malignant small cleaved follicular center cells. See also small cleaved cell l … Medical dictionary
large noncleaved cell — large noncleaved follicular center cell, large uncleaved cell a follicular center cell considered to be the stage immediately preceding the development of the B lymphoblast and migration out of the follicle; it has a diameter of 15–20 μm,… … Medical dictionary
small noncleaved cell — small noncleaved follicular center cell, small uncleaved cell a follicular center cell considered to be intermediate between the large cleaved and the large noncleaved stages; it has a diameter of about 12 μm, a nucleus without folds or… … Medical dictionary
large cleaved cell — large cleaved follicular center cell a follicular center cell considered to be intermediate between the small cleaved and small noncleaved stages; it has a diameter of about 12 μm, a nucleus with deep folds or clefts and clumped chromatin,… … Medical dictionary
small cleaved cell — small cleaved follicular center cell a follicular center cell considered to be the precursor of the other stages; it has a diameter of about 8 μm, a nucleus with a deep fold or cleft and clumped chromatin, and cytoplasm that is not… … Medical dictionary
B-cell lymphoma — any in a large group of non Hodgkin lymphomas characterized by malignant transformation of the B lymphocytes; among the many B cell lymphomas are Burkitt l., l. cutis, follicular center cell l., and small B cell l … Medical dictionary
Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma — Classification and external resources Micrograph of a diffuse large B cell lymphoma. Field stain. ICD O … Wikipedia