- occlusal cavity
- a carious lesion beginning on the occlusal surface of a posterior tooth.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
mesio-occlusal — Denoting the angle formed by the junction of the mesial and occlusal surfaces of a bicuspid or molar tooth. * * * me·si·o oc·clu·sal (me″ze o ŏ klooґzəl) pertaining to or formed by the mesial and occlusal surfaces of a tooth, or… … Medical dictionary
axio-occlusal — Pertaining to the line angle formed by the junction of the axial and occlusal walls of a tooth. * * * ax·io oc·clu·sal (ak″se o ə klooґzəl) pertaining to or formed by the axial and occlusal walls of a tooth cavity … Medical dictionary
disto-occlusal — SYN: distoclusal. * * * dis·to oc·clu·sal (dis″to ə klooґzəl) pertaining to or formed by the distal and occlusal surfaces of a tooth, or the distal and occlusal walls of a tooth cavity preparation; called also distoclusal … Medical dictionary
axiodisto-occlusal — ax·io·dis·to oc·clu·sal (ak″se o dis″to ə klooґzəl) pertaining to or formed by the axial, distal, and occlusal walls of a tooth cavity … Medical dictionary
axiolinguo-occlusal — ax·io·lin·guo oc·clu·sal (ak″se o ling″gwo ə klooґzəl) pertaining to or formed by the axial, lingual, and occlusal walls of a tooth cavity … Medical dictionary
axiomesio-occlusal — ax·io·me·sio oc·clu·sal (ak″se o me″ze o ə klooґzəl) pertaining to or formed by the axial, mesial, and occlusal walls of a tooth cavity … Medical dictionary
distoaxio-occlusal — dis·to·ax·io oc·clu·sal (dis″to ak″se o ə klooґzəl) pertaining to or formed by the distal, axial, and occlusal walls of a tooth cavity preparation … Medical dictionary
simple cavity — a carious lesion that involves only one surface of a tooth in its preparation, designated according to the surface involved as buccal, distal, incisal, labial, lingual, mesial, or occlusal … Medical dictionary
surface — The outer part of any solid. SYN: face (2) [TA], facies (2) [TA]. [F. fr. L. superficius, see superficial] acromial articular s. of clavicle SYN: acromial facet of clavicle. anterior s. [TA] the s. of a … Medical dictionary
form — Shape; mold. [L. forma] accolé forms (ak ola′) SYN: appliqué forms. appliqué forms (ap li ka′) a term applied to the manner in which the ring stage of Plasmodium falciparum parasitizes the marginal portion of erythrocytes. SYN: accolé forms. arch … Medical dictionary