cardiac catheterization

cardiac catheterization
passage of a small catheter through a vein in an arm or leg or the neck and into the heart, permitting the securing of blood samples, determination of intracardiac pressure, detection of cardiac anomalies, planning of operative approaches, and determination, implementation, or evaluation of appropriate therapy.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • Cardiac catheterization — (heart cath) is the insertion of a catheter into a chamber or vessel of the heart. This is done for both investigational and interventional purposes. Coronary catheterization is a subset of this technique, involving the catheterization of the… …   Wikipedia

  • cardiac catheterization — ▪ medical procedure  medical procedure by which a flexible plastic tube (catheter (catheterization)) is inserted into an artery or vein. It is used for injecting drugs for therapy or diagnosis, for measuring blood flow and pressure in the heart… …   Universalium

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  • Cardiac stress test — Not to be confused with Cardiac arrest. Cardiac stress test Intervention A male patient walks on a stress test treadmill to have his heart s function checked ICD 9 CM …   Wikipedia

  • catheterization — Passage of a catheter. clean intermittent bladder c. (CIC) a common way for patients with neurogenic bladders that do not empty normally to empty their bladders on a routine schedule. * * * cath·e·ter·iza·tion or Brit cath·e·ter·isa·tion .kath ət …   Medical dictionary

  • catheterization — n. the introduction of a catheter into a hollow organ or vessel. In urethral catheterization a catheter is introduced into the bladder to relieve obstruction to the outflow of urine (see also intermittent self catheterization). Catheters can also …   The new mediacal dictionary

  • Cardiac output — (Q or or CO ) is the volume of blood being pumped by the heart, in particular by a left or right ventricle in the time interval of one minute. CO may be measured in many ways, for example dm3/min (1 dm3 equals 1000 cm3 or 1 litre). Q is… …   Wikipedia

  • catheterization — See catheterize. * * * Threading of a flexible tube (catheter) through a channel in the body to inject drugs or a contrast medium, measure and record flow and pressures, inspect structures, take samples, diagnose disorders, or clear blockages. A… …   Universalium

  • Coronary catheterization — A coronary angiogram (an X ray with radiocontrast in the coronary arteries) that shows the left coronary circulation. The distal left main coronary artery (LMCA) is in the left upper quadrant of the image. Its main branches (also visible) are the …   Wikipedia

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