
- clean intermittent bladder c. (CIC) a common way for patients with neurogenic bladders that do not empty normally to empty their bladders on a routine schedule.

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cath·e·ter·iza·tion or Brit cath·e·ter·isa·tion .kath-ət-ə--'-shən, .kath--- n the use of or insertion of a catheter (as in or into the bladder, trachea, or heart)
cath·e·ter·ize or Brit cath·e·ter·ise 'kath-ət-ə-.rīz, 'kath-- vt, -ized or Brit -ised; -iz·ing or Brit -is·ing

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the introduction of a catheter into a hollow organ or vessel. In urethral catheterization a catheter is introduced into the bladder to relieve obstruction to the outflow of urine (see also intermittent self-catheterization). Catheters can also be passed above the pubis through the abdominal wall (suprapubic catheterization) directly into an enlarged bladder if urethral catheterization is not possible. Cardiac catheterization entails the introduction of special catheters, usually via the femoral blood vessels in the groin, into the chambers of the heart. This allows the measurement of pressures in the chambers and pressure gradients across the heart valves, as well as the injection of contrast medium (see angiocardiography). Vascular catheterization enables the introduction into the arteries or veins of: (1) contrast medium for radiography; (2) drugs to constrict or expand vessels or to dissolve a thrombus (see thrombolysis); (3) metal coils or other solid materials to block bleeding vessels or to thrombose aneurysm (see embolization); or (4) devices for monitoring pressures within important vessels (e.g. Swan-Ganz catheter for monitoring pulmonary artery pressure in critically ill patients).

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cath·e·ter·iza·tion (kathə-turĭ-zaґshən) 1. the insertion of a catheter. 2. the use of a catheter.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • catheterization — n. the introduction of a catheter into a hollow organ or vessel. In urethral catheterization a catheter is introduced into the bladder to relieve obstruction to the outflow of urine (see also intermittent self catheterization). Catheters can also …   The new mediacal dictionary

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