triticeal cartilage
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Cartilage — Firm, rubbery tissue that cushions bones at joints. A more flexible kind of cartilage connects muscles with bones and makes up other parts of the body, such as the larynx and the outside parts of the ears. * * * A connective tissue characterized… … Medical dictionary
Дыхательная система — Органы дыхания обеспечивают газообмен, насыщая ткани организма человека кислородом и освобождая их от углекислого газа, а также принимают участие в обонянии, голосообразовании, водно солевом и липидном обмене, вырабатывании некоторых гормонов. В… … Атлас анатомии человека
cartilago — SYN: cartilage.For histologic description, see cartilage. [L. gristle] cartilagines alares minores SYN: minor alar cartilage. c. alaris major SYN: major alar cartilage. c. articularis SYN: articular cartilage. c. arytenoidea [TA] SYN … Medical dictionary
List of anatomical topics — This page aims to list articles related to anatomy. This list is not necessarily complete or up to date if you see an article that should be here but isn t (or one that shouldn t be here but is), please update the page accordingly. NOTOC A… … Wikipedia
Lateral thyrohyoid ligament — Infobox Ligament Name = PAGENAME Latin = ligamentum thyrohyoideum laterale, ligamentum hyothyreoideum laterale GraySubject = 236 GrayPage = 1077 Caption = The ligaments of the larynx. Antero lateral view. From = To = MeshName = MeshNumber =… … Wikipedia
musculus — SYN: muscle.For histologic description, see muscle. [L. a little mouse, a muscle, fr. mus (mur ), a mouse] musculi abdominis SYN: muscles of abdomen, under muscle. m. abductor [TA] SYN: abductor (muscle). m. abductor … Medical dictionary
cartilago triticea — [TA] triticeal cartilage: a small cartilage in the thyrohyoid ligament … Medical dictionary
corpus — 1. SYN: body. 2. Any body or mass. 3. The main part of an organ or other anatomic structure, as distinguished from the head or tail. SEE ALSO: body, diaphysis, soma. [L … Medical dictionary
triticeum — SYN: triticeal cartilage. [L. triticeus, triticeous, like a grain of wheat] * * * tri·tic·e·um (tri tisґe əm) [L.] cartilago triticea … Medical dictionary