- nucleic acid amplification
- increase in the number of copies of a specific nucleic acid sequence, either DNA or RNA; usually used to denote an in vitro nucleic acid amplification technique (q.v.).
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
nucleic acid amplification test — (NAAT) any nucleic acid test (q.v.) that uses nucleic acid amplification techniques in a direct test for the presence of a specific pathogen in a sample; such tests do not depend on the production of antibody by the pathogen, and can be rapid,… … Medical dictionary
Nucleic acid test — A nucleic acid test, often called a NAT test, (or nucleic acid amplification test NAAT ) is a biochemical technique used to detect a virus or a bacterium. These tests were developed to shorten the window period, a time between when a patient has… … Wikipedia
nucleic acid test — any of various tests that use molecular biology techniques to detect and identify microorganisms, including viruses, on the basis of their nucleic acids. It includes culture confirmation tests, which identify organisms grown in culture, and… … Medical dictionary
nucleic acid amplification technique — any of various in vitro methods by which a DNA or RNA sequence is amplified, making it more readily detectable for various procedures or tests. The original, and still most commonly used, is the polymerase chain reaction. See also under test … Medical dictionary
Nucleic acid thermodynamics — is the study of the thermodynamics of nucleic acid molecules, or how temperature affects nucleic acid structure. For multiple copies of DNA molecules, the melting temperature (Tm) is defined as the temperature at which half of the DNA strands are … Wikipedia
Nucleic acid sequence — A series of codons in part of a mRNA molecule. Each codon consists of three nucleotides, usually representing a single amino acid. The sequence or primary structure of a nucleic acid is the composition of atoms that make up the nucleic acid and… … Wikipedia
Nucleic acid methods — For protein methods, see Protein methods. Nucleic acid methods are the techniques used to study nucleic acids (DNA and RNA). Purification Phenol chloroform extraction minicolumn purification RNA extraction Quantification Abundance in weight:… … Wikipedia
Nuclein Acid Amplification Test Technology — Nucleic Acid Amplification Test Technology (NAAT) steht in der Medizin für eine Gruppe von Verfahren, bei denen Nukleinsäuren vervielfältigt werden, so dass auch geringe Mengen nachweisbar werden. Das bekannteste Verfahren ist die Polymerase… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Loop-mediated isothermal amplification — (LAMP) is a single tube technique for the amplification of DNA. It may be combined with a Reverse transcription step to allow the detection of RNA.LAMP is a novel approach to nucleic acid amplification which uses a single temperature incubation… … Wikipedia
DNA amplification — The production of multiple copies of a sequence of DNA. Repeated copying of a piece of DNA. DNA amplification plays a role in cancer cells. A tumor cell amplifies, or copies, DNA segments as a result of cell signals and sometimes environmental… … Medical dictionary