Pertaining to lymph

  • 1lymph —   n. colourless blood like fluid containing leucocytes, conveying nourishment to, and collecting waste products from, tissues.    ♦ lymphadenitis, n. inflammation of lymph glands.    ♦ lymphadenopathy, n. swelling of lymph nodes.    ♦ lymphangial …

    Dictionary of difficult words

  • 2lymph —    Pertaining to the lymph system or lymph tissue, the back alley of blood circulation. Lymph is the alkaline, clear intercellular fluid that drains from the blood capillaries, where the arterial blood separates into thick, gooey venous blood and …

    Herbal-medical glossary

  • 3lymphatic — 1. Pertaining to lymph. 2. A vascular channel that transports lymph. 3. Sometimes used to pertain to a sluggish or phlegmatic characteristic. SYN: vas lymphaticum. [L. lymphaticus, frenzied; Mod. L. use, of or for lymph] afferent l. a l. vessel… …

    Medical dictionary

  • 4Lymphoid — Referring to lymphocytes, a type of white blood cell. Also refers to tissue in which lymphocytes develop. * * * Resembling lymph or lymphatic tissue, or pertaining to the lymphatic system. [lympho + G. eidos, appearance] * * * lym·phoid lim… …

    Medical dictionary

  • 5lymphatic — 1. adjective a) Pertaining to lymph or the lymphatic system. b) Lacking energy of enthusiasm. 2. noun A vessel that transports lymph …


  • 6lymphatic — lym·phat·ic || lɪm fætɪk adj. of or pertaining to lymph or a lymph vessel; having a phlegmatic temperament, tending to be calm and sluggish …

    English contemporary dictionary

  • 7lymphoid — adj. pertaining to lymph or lymphatic tissue, resembling lymph or lymphatic tissue …

    English contemporary dictionary

  • 8lymphatic — a. 1. Enthusiastic, frantic, raving, mad, insane, wild. 2. Pertaining to lymph …

    New dictionary of synonyms

  • 9Axillary — Pertaining to the cavity beneath the junction of the arm and the body, better known as the armpit. The word axilla was borrowed directly from the Latin. To the Romans, as to us, the axilla was just the armpit. * * * Relating to the axilla. SYN:… …

    Medical dictionary

  • 10hilar — Pertaining to a hilum. * * * hi·lar hī lər adj of, relating to, affecting, or located near a hilum <hilar lymph nodes of the lung> …

    Medical dictionary