mesenteric adenitis
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Adenitis — Classification and external resources MeSH D008199 Adenitis is a general term for an inflammation of a gland[1] or lymph node … Wikipedia
adenitis — Inflammation of a lymph node or of a gland. [aden + G. itis, inflammation] mesenteric a. an illness with abdominal pain and fever due to enlargement and inflammation … Medical dictionary
adenitis — n. inflammation of a gland or group of glands (or glandlike structures). For example, mesenteric adenitis affects the lymph nodes (formerly called lymph glands) in the membranous support of the intestines (the mesentery); cervical adenitis… … The new mediacal dictionary
mesenteric lymphadenitis — inflammation of the mesenteric lymph nodes, causing pain and swelling resembling that in acute appendicitis. A septal form, which is frequently fatal, and a milder form, which is self limited, may be caused by either Yersinia enterocolitica or Y … Medical dictionary
АДЕНИТ — (adenitis) воспаление железы или нескольких желез (или железистоподобных структур). Например, при мезадените (mesenteric adenitis) поражаются лимфатические узлы (ранее называвшиеся лимфатическими железами) брыжейки складки брюшины, поддерживающей … Толковый словарь по медицине
Appendicitis — Classification and external resources An acutely inflamed and enlarged appendix, sliced lengthwise. ICD 10 K … Wikipedia
Abdominal pain — can be one of the symptoms associated with transient disorders or serious disease. Making a definitive diagnosis of the cause of abdominal pain can be difficult, because many diseases can result in this symptom. Abdominal pain is a common problem … Wikipedia
Аденин (Adenine) — одно из азотсодержащих оснований (см. Пурин), встречающееся в нуклеиновых кислотах ДНК и РНК. См. также АТФ.АДЕНИТ (adenitis) воспаление железы или нескольких желез (или железистоподобных структур). Например, при мезадените (mesenteric adenitis)… … Медицинские термины
Yersinia — A group of bacteria that appear rod like under the microscope and include Yersinia pestis (the cause of the bubonic and pneumonic plague), Yersinia entercolitica (the cause of a disease called yersinosis), and Yersinia pseudotuberculosis (which… … Medical dictionary
lymphadenitis — Inflammation of a lymph node or lymph node s. [lymphadeno + G. itis, inflammation] dermatopathic l. SYN: dermatopathic lymphadenopathy. mesenteric l. SYN: mesenteric adenitis. paratuberculous l. old term for chronic inflammation of certain … Medical dictionary