ventilation-perfusion scanning

ventilation-perfusion scanning
a nuclear medicine technique in which two different isotopes are used, one inhaled (usually xenon-133 or krypton-81m), to examine lung ventilation, and one injected, to examine lung perfusion. In pulmonary embolism, the area of lung supplied by the blocked artery is not being perfused with blood - a perfusion defect - but has normal ventilation. This technique is highly sensitive for pulmonary embolism.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • ventilation-perfusion scanning — V/Q scanning a nuclear medicine technique in which two different isotopes are used, one inhaled (usually xenon 133 or krypton 81m), to examine lung ventilation, and one injected, to examine lung perfusion. In pulmonary embolism, the area of lung… …   The new mediacal dictionary

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  • xenon-133 — n. a radioactive isotope that has a half life of about five days and is used in ventilation scanning of the lungs in nuclear medicine (see ventilation perfusion scanning). It gives off beta particles, which are responsible for the relatively high …   The new mediacal dictionary

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