- supravital staining
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staining of living tissue removed from the body, but before cessation of the chemical life of the cells.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
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staining of living tissue removed from the body, but before cessation of the chemical life of the cells.Medical dictionary. 2011.
supravital staining — the application of a stain to living tissue, particularly blood cells, removed from the body … The new mediacal dictionary
Окрашивание Суправитальное (Supravital Staining) — окрашивание живой ткани в организме (в частности, клеток крови) путем воздействия на нее соответствующего красителя. Источник: Медицинский словарь … Медицинские термины
supravital — adjective Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary Date: 1919 having or utilizing the property of staining cells or tissues removed from a living body < supravital dyes > compare intravital • supravitally adverb … New Collegiate Dictionary
supravital — su·pra·vi·tal vīt əl adj constituting or relating to the staining of living tissues or cells surviving after removal from a living body by dyes that penetrate living substance but induce more or less rapid degenerative changes compare INTRAVITAL… … Medical dictionary
supravital — /sooh preuh vuyt l/, adj. Histol. pertaining to or involving a staining method for a preparation of living cells. [1915 20; SUPRA + VITAL] * * * … Universalium
supravital — su•pra•vi•tal [[t]ˌsu prəˈvaɪt l[/t]] adj. bio lab pertaining to or involving a staining method for a preparation of living cells • Etymology: 1915–20 … From formal English to slang
vital staining — the process of staining a living tissue by injecting a stain into the organism. Compare supravital staining. * * * staining of a tissue by a dye which is introduced into a living organism and which, by virtue of affinity for certain tissues, will … Medical dictionary
vital staining — intravital staining the process of staining a living tissue by injecting a stain into the organism. Compare: supravital staining … The new mediacal dictionary
ОКРАШИВАНИЕ СУПРАВИТАЛЬНОЕ — (supravital staining) окрашивание живой ткани в организме (в частности, клеток крови) путем воздействия на нее соответствующего красителя … Толковый словарь по медицине
Neutral red — IUPAC name toluylene red … Wikipedia