Quellung reaction — The Quellung reaction is a biochemical reaction in which antibodies bind to the capsule of Streptococcus pneumoniae and thus allow it to be visualized under a microscope. If the reaction is positive, the capsule becomes opaque and appears to… … Wikipedia
quellung reaction — noun the swelling of the capsule surrounding a microorganism after reaction with an antibody; the basis of certain tests for identifying microorganisms pneumococcus quellung • Syn: ↑quellung • Hypernyms: ↑organic process, ↑biological process … Useful english dictionary
quellung reaction — a reaction in which antibodies against the bacterium Streptococcus pneumoniae combine with the bacterial capsule, which becomes swollen and visible to light microscopy … The new mediacal dictionary
Quellung reaction — The increase in visibility or the swelling of the capsule of a microorganism in the presence of antibodies against capsular antigens … Dictionary of microbiology
Quellung reaction — Swelling of the capsule surrounding a bacterium as a result of interaction with anticapsular antibody; consequently the capsule becomes more refractile and conspicuous … Dictionary of molecular biology
quellung — noun the swelling of the capsule surrounding a microorganism after reaction with an antibody; the basis of certain tests for identifying microorganisms pneumococcus quellung • Syn: ↑quellung reaction • Hypernyms: ↑organic process, ↑biological… … Useful english dictionary
Реакция Набухания (Quellung Reaction) — реакция, в ходе которой антитела к бактериям вида Streptococcus pneumoniae соединяются с антигенами капсул бактерий, которые набухают и становятся видимыми в обычный световой микроскоп. Источник: Медицинский словарь … Медицинские термины
reaction — 1. The response of a muscle or other living tissue or organism to a stimulus. 2. The color change effected in litmus and certain other organic pigments by contact with substances such as acids or alkalies; also the property that such substances… … Medical dictionary
quellung test — Neufeld reaction; see under reaction … Medical dictionary
quellung — quel·lung kwel əŋ, kvel u̇ŋ n, often cap swelling of the capsule of a microorganism after reaction with antibody … Medical dictionary