polycythaemia rubra vera
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polycythaemia rubra vera — polycythaemia vera … The new mediacal dictionary
polycythaemia vera — (polycythaemia rubra vera, erythraemia, Vaquez Osler disease) a disease in which the number of red cells in the blood is greatly increased (see also polycythaemia). There is often also an increase in the numbers of white blood cells and platelets … Medical dictionary
polycythaemia vera — polycythaemia rubra vera; = erythraemia; = Vaquez Osler disease a disease in which the number of red cells in the blood is greatly increased (see also polycythaemia). There is often also an increase in the numbers of white blood cells and… … The new mediacal dictionary
Polycythemia vera — Primary polycythemia, often called polycythemia vera (PCV), polycythemia rubra vera (PRV), or erythremia, occurs when excess red blood cells are produced as a result of an abnormality of the bone marrow. Often, excess non lymphoid white blood… … Wikipedia
ПОЛИЦИТЕМИЯ — [polycythaemia rubra vera, син. эритремия (erythraemia)], болезнь кровяной системы, сопровождающаяся длительным и прогрессирующим нарастанием в организме количества красных кровяных шариков. Впервые случай этой б ни был описан в 1892 г. Ваке зом… … Большая медицинская энциклопедия
Livedoid vasculitis — Infobox Disease Name = Livedoid vasculitis Caption = DiseasesDB = 7546 ICD10 = ICD10|L|95|0|l|80 ICD9 = ICD9|xxx ICDO = OMIM = MedlinePlus = 001478 eMedicineSubj = derm eMedicineTopic = 39 MeshID = Livedoid vasculitis (also known as livedo… … Wikipedia
Prurigo nodularis — Classification and external resources ICD 10 L28.1 ICD 9 698.3 … Wikipedia
PRV — may refer to:* Polycythaemia rubra vera, a blood disorder * Pressure relief valve * PRV engine, an automobile V6 engine developed by Peugeot Renault and Volvo * Swedish Patent and Registration Office (Swedish: Patent och registreringsverket ) … Wikipedia
Hypereosinophilia — is a disease characterised by a marked increase in the eosinophil count in the bloodstream. The eosinophil count in human blood is normally 0.4 x 109/L (0.1 0.6) and results from a balance between production of eosinophils and emigration through… … Wikipedia
Полихромазия (Polychromasid), Полихроматофилия (Polychromatophilia) — наличие в исследуемых образцах крови после их окрашивания красителем Романовского как нормальных розовых клеток, так и окрашенных в синий цвет эритроцитов. Клетки, которые окрашиваются в синий цвет под действием этого красителя, являются молодыми … Медицинские термины