perianal haematoma — external haemorrhoid a small painful swelling beside the anus, occurring after a bout of straining to pass faeces or coughing. Perianal haematomas are caused by the rupture of a small vein in the anus. They often heal spontaneously but… … The new mediacal dictionary
haematoma — n. an accumulation of blood within the tissues that clots to form a solid swelling. Injury, disease of the blood vessels, or a clotting disorder of the blood are the usual causative factors. An intracranial haematoma causes symptoms by… … Medical dictionary
haematoma — n. an accumulation of blood within the tissues that clots to form a solid swelling. Injury, disease of the blood vessels, or a clotting disorder of the blood are the usual causative factors. An intracranial haematoma causes symptoms by… … The new mediacal dictionary
ГЕМАТОМА ПЕРИАНАЛЬНАЯ (PERIANAL HAEMATOMA), УЗЕЛ НАРУЖНЫЙ ГЕМОРРОИДАЛЬНЫЙ — (external haemorrhoid) небольшой болезненный бугорок вблизи ануса, появляющийся в результате сильного напряжения во время опорожнения кишечника или кашля. Причиной образования перианальных гематом является разрыв проходящих в стенке ануса… … Толковый словарь по медицине
Гематома (Haematoma) — скопление кровяного сгустка внутри тканей, имеющее вид твердой опухоли. Причиной образования гематомы может быть травма, какое либо сосудистое заболевание или нарушение свертываемости крови. При внутричерепной гематоме (intracranial haematoma) у… … Медицинские термины
external haemorrhoid — perianal haematoma … The new mediacal dictionary
haemorrhoids — (piles) pl. n. enlargement of the normal spongy blood filled cushions in the wall of the anus (internal haemorrhoids), usually a consequence of prolonged constipation or, occasionally, diarrhoea. They most commonly occur at three main points… … Medical dictionary
haemorrhoids — piles; pl. n. enlargement of the normal spongy blood filled cushions in the wall of the anus (internal haemorrhoids), usually a consequence of prolonged constipation or, occasionally, diarrhoea. They most commonly occur at three main points… … The new mediacal dictionary
external haemorrhoid — see perianal haematoma … Medical dictionary
Hematoma — Classification and external resources Hematoma on thigh, 6 days after a fall down stairs, 980 ml of blood drained a few days later ICD 10 T … Wikipedia