
1. The performance of any of the vital functions, the manner of such performance, or the result of the same. 2. The exertion of any force or power, physical, chemical, or mental. [L. actio, from ago, pp. actus, to do]
- ball valve a. intermittent blockage of a tube or outlet of a cavity by some object or material that permits passage in one direction but not in the other.
- calorigenic a. increase of heat production of the body, as by the thyroid hormone. SYN: thermogenic a..
- cumulative a. SYN: cumulative effect.
- salt a. any physicochemical effect produced by hypertonic concentrations of osmotically active electrolytes.
- sparing a. the manner in which a nonessential nutritive component, by its presence in the diet, lowers the dietary requirement for an essential component; thus, nonessential l-cysteine spares essential l-methionine and nonessential l-tyrosine spares essential l-phenylalanine. SYN: sparing phenomenon.
- specific a. the a. of a drug or a method of treatment which has a direct and especially curative effect upon a disease, e.g., the a. of vitamin B12 in pernicious anemia.
- specific dynamic a. (SDA) increase of heat production caused by the ingestion of food, especially of protein.
- thermogenic a. SYN: calorigenic a..
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A Coronary Disease Trial Investigating Outcome with Nifedipine GITS; Assisting Carriers Using Telematics Interventions to Meet Older Persons Needs [Ireland]

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ac·tion 'ak-shən n
1) the process of exerting a force or bringing about an effect that results from the inherent capacity of an agent <protein synthesis is an expression of gene \action> <insecticidal \action>
2) a function or the performance of a function of the body (as defecation) or of one of its parts <the normal baby has three or four \actions of the bowel in 24 hours (Morris Fishbein)> <heart \action>
3) an act of will
4) actions pl BEHAVIOR <aggressive \actions>

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ac·tion (akґshən) [L. actio] any performance of function or movement either of any part or organ or of the whole body.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • action — ac·tion n [Latin actio legal proceeding, from agere to do, carry out, initiate legal proceedings] 1 a: a judicial proceeding for the enforcement or protection of a right, the redress or prevention of a wrong, or the punishment of a public offense …   Law dictionary

  • action — ACTION. sub. f. L opération d un agent. L action du feu sur le bois. L action du Soleil sur les plantes. L action de l esprit. Le feu, par la violence de son action, vitrifie les métaux. Une action vive, soudaine, momentanée.Action, se dit aussi… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie Française 1798

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  • action — Action. s. f. Maniere dont une cause agit, & par laquelle elle produit son effet. L action du feu reduit le bois en cendres. Action, signifie aussi, Acte, fait, oeuvre. Bonne action. belle action. mauvaise action. vilaine action. action bien… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • Action! — was a programming language and integrated editor, debugger, and 6502 code generating compiler, editor for the Atari 8 bit family of microcomputers. Action! was created by Clinton Parker and released on cartridge by Optimized Systems Software in… …   Wikipedia

  • Action — Ac tion, n. [OF. action, L. actio, fr. agere to do. See {Act}.] 1. A process or condition of acting or moving, as opposed to rest; the doing of something; exertion of power or force, as when one body acts on another; the effect of power exerted… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • Action 52-in-1 — Action 52 Action 52 Éditeur Active Enterprises Développeur FarSight Studios (MD) Active Enterprises …   Wikipédia en Français

  • action — 1 Action, act, deed agree in designating something done or effected. Action refers primarily to the process of acting; act and deed to the result, the thing done. An action is usually regarded as occupying some time and involving more than one… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • action — [ak′shən] n. [ME accion < OFr action < L actio < pp. of agere: see ACT1] 1. the doing of something; state of being in motion or of working 2. an act or thing done 3. [pl.] behavior; habitual conduct 4. habitual activity characterized by… …   English World dictionary

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