necrotizing enterocolitis
- necrotizing enterocolitis
a serious disease affecting the bowel during the first three weeks of life;
it is much more common in preterm birth babies.
The abdomen distends and blood and mucus appear in the stools;
the bowel may perforate.
Treatment is to rest the bowel and administer antibiotics.
If the bowel becomes necrotic,
surgery may be necessary.
The cause is unknown but the disease may be the result of a reduced supply of oxygen to the bowel or infection.
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neutropenic enterocolitis a type of pseudomembranous enterocolitis around the ileocecal area; it was originally found in newborn infants, particularly premature ones, and later was found in adults with immunodeficiency or myelosuppression. Called also neutropenic colitis or typhlitis.
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Necrotizing enterocolitis — Classification and external resources ICD 10 P77 ICD 9 777.5 … Wikipedia
necrotizing enterocolitis — NEC a serious disease affecting the bowel during the first three weeks of life; it is much more common in preterm babies. The abdomen distends and blood and mucus appear in the stools; the bowel may perforate. Treatment is to rest the bowel and… … The new mediacal dictionary
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