- Actinobacillus
- A genus of very small, nonmotile, nonsporeforming, aerobic, facultatively anaerobic bacteria containing Gram-negative rods interspersed with coccal elements. The metabolism of these bacteria is fermentative. They are pathogenic to animals. The type species is A. lignieresii. [actino- + L. bacillus, a little rod]- A. actinomycetemcomitans a species of doubtful taxonomic position; frequently associated with human periodontal disease as well as subacute and chronic endocarditis; occurs with actinomycetes in actinomycotic lesions. SYN: Haemophilus actinomycetemcomitans.- A. lignieresii a species producing infections of the upper alimentary tract and mouth in cattle and swine (actinobacillosis) and suppurative lesions in the skin and lungs of sheep; it is the type species of its genus.
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1) cap a genus of aerobic gram-negative parasitic bacteria of the family Pasteurellaceae forming filaments resembling streptobacilli see ACTINOBACILLOSIS* * *
n.a genus of Gram-negative nonmotile aerobic bacteria that are characteristically spherical or rodlike in shape but occasionally grow into branching filaments. Actinobacilli cause disease in animals that can be transmitted to humans.* * *
Ac·ti·no·ba·cil·lus (ak″tĭ-no-bə-silґus) [actino- + bacillus] a genus of gram-negative, fermentative, nonmotile, coccoid or rod-shaped bacteria of the family Pasteurellaceae, part of the normal mammalian microflora. They are potentially pathogenic for humans and for cattle, sheep, horses, and pigs, causing granulomatous lesions.
Medical dictionary. 2011.