helper T-cell

helper T-cell
a type of T-lymphocyte that plays a key role in cell-mediated immunity by recognizing foreign antigen on the surface of antigen-presenting cells (see APC) when this is associated with the individual's MHC antigens, having been processed by antigen-presenting cells. Helper T-cells stimulate the production of cytotoxic T-cell, which destroy the target cells.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • helper T cell — n. a type of T cell that helps coordinate the immune response, especially by activating B cells: the AIDS virus targets and destroys these T cells …   English World dictionary

  • helper T cell — noun T cell with CD4 receptor that recognizes antigens on the surface of a virus infected cell and secretes lymphokines that stimulate B cells and killer T cells; helper T cells are infected and killed by the AIDS virus • Syn: ↑helper cell, ↑CD4… …   Useful english dictionary

  • helper T cell — help·er T cell .hel pər tē n a T cell that participates in an immune response by recognizing a foreign antigen and secreting lymphokines to activate T cell and B cell proliferation, that usu. carries CD4 molecular markers on its cell surface, and …   Medical dictionary

  • helper T cell — noun Date: 1974 a T cell that participates in an immune response by recognizing a foreign antigen and secreting lymphokines to activate T cell and B cell proliferation and that usually carries CD4 molecular markers on its cell surface called also …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • helper T cell — Immunol. a T cell that stimulates B cells to produce antibody against a foreign substance, using lymphokines or direct contact as a signal. Also called T helper cell. * * * …   Universalium

  • helper T-cell — a type of T lymphocyte that plays a key role in cell mediated immunity by recognizing foreign antigen on the surface of antigen presenting cells (see APC) when this is associated with the individual s MHC antigens, having been processed by… …   The new mediacal dictionary

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  • helper T-cell — See T helper cells …   Dictionary of molecular biology

  • helper T cell — n. imu any of a group of T cells that activate the immune system either by enhancing the production of antibody and other T cells or by mobilizing macrophages to engulf invading particles …   From formal English to slang

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