glue ear — noun A condition of the ear where middle ear fluid fails to drain down the Eustachian tube, collecting instead behind the eardrum and causing deafness, infection and discharge • • • Main Entry: ↑glue * * * glue ear UK US noun [uncountable] a… … Useful english dictionary
glue ear — ► NOUN ▪ blocking of the Eustachian tube by mucus, occurring especially in children and causing impaired hearing … English terms dictionary
Glue ear — Unter Paukenerguss versteht man eine Ansammlung von seröser, sero mucöser oder mucöser Flüssigkeit im Mittelohr. Der Paukenerguss kann akut als Serotympanon (Tympanon = Pauke) im Rahmen eines viralen Infektes (Tubenkatarrh, Tuben… … Deutsch Wikipedia
glue ear — /ˈglu ˌɪə/ (say glooh .ear) noun a long term accumulation of thick fluid in the middle ear behind the eardrum, occurring most commonly in children, which may lead to infection and a deterioration in hearing …
glue ear — a common condition in which viscous fluid accumulates in the middle ear, causing deafness. It is most frequently seen in children and is due to malfunction of the Eustachian tube. Many cases resolve spontaneously; treatment, if required, consists … The new mediacal dictionary
glue ear — UK / US noun [uncountable] a medical condition in which a thick substance inside your ear makes it difficult for you to hear. It mainly affects young children … English dictionary
glue ear — noun Brit. blocking of the Eustachian tube by mucus, occurring especially in children and causing impaired hearing … English new terms dictionary
Glue-ears — [glu̱ í̱rß; engl. glue = Leim u. engl. ear = Ohr] Mehrz.: Verklebung der Ohren durch Sekretausfluß bei Mittelohrentzündung … Das Wörterbuch medizinischer Fachausdrücke
Отит Экссудативный (Glue Ear) — распространенное заболевание, при котором в среднем ухе скапливается вязкая жидкость, вызывая снижение слуха (глухоту). Чаще всего экссудативный отит наблюдается у детей вследствие недоразвития евстахиевой трубы. В большинстве случаев… … Медицинские термины
Ear — The hearing organ. There are three sections of the ear, according to the anatomy textbooks. They are the outer ear (the part we see along the sides of our head behind the temples), the middle ear, and the inner ear. But in terms of function, the… … Medical dictionary