general paralysis of the insane
- general paralysis of the insane
a late consequence of syphilitic infection.
The symptoms are those of a dementia and spastic weakness of the limbs.
and dysarthria may occur.
The infecting organism can be detected in the brain cells and tests for syphilis in blood and cerebrospinal fluid are usually positive.
When the symptoms are combined with those of tabes dorsalis,
the resulting condition is called tabo-paresis.
Vigorous treatment with procaine penicillin is required,
but recovery is likely to be limited.
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general paralysis of the insane — noun General paresis (qv under ↑paresis) • • • Main Entry: ↑general … Useful english dictionary
General paresis of the insane — This article is about the neuropsychiatric disorder. For the physical malady, paralysis, see paresis. General paresis Classification and external resources ICD 10 A52.1 ICD 9 … Wikipedia
general paralysis of the insane — GPI a late consequence of syphilitic infection. The symptoms are those of a dementia and spastic weakness of the limbs. Deafness, epilepsy, and dysarthria may occur. The infecting organism can be detected in the brain cells and tests for syphilis … The new mediacal dictionary
general paralysis of the insane — noun see general paresis … New Collegiate Dictionary
general paralysis of the insane — noun a syphilitic brain disorder characterised by chronic inflammation and degeneration of cerebral tissue, resulting in mental and physical deterioration. Abbrev.: GPI Also, general paresis …
general paralysis of the insane — noun dementia, weakness, speech and hearing difficulty, and other symptoms, associated with the late stages of syphilis … English new terms dictionary
Паралич Душевнобольных Общий (General Paralysis Of The Insane (Gpi)) — поздняя стадия сифилиса. Основные симптомы очень напоминают те, которые возникают при деменции и спастической слабости конечностей. Одновременно у человека могут развиться глухота, эпилепсия и дизартрия (неправильное произношение слов).… … Медицинские термины
General paresis — Progressive dementia and generalized paralysis due to chronic inflammation of the covering and substance of the brain (meningoencephalitis). General paresis is a part of late (tertiary) syphilis, occurring a decade or more after the initial… … Medical dictionary
general paresis — noun Date: 1874 insanity caused by syphilitic alteration of the brain that leads to dementia and paralysis called also general paralysis of the insane … New Collegiate Dictionary
List of The Tribe characters — Main cast and characters from Series 5. This article contains detailed descriptions of characters of the teen sci fi TV show The Tribe. Like many other soaps the series had a large number of characters that increased as the series progressed.… … Wikipedia