double-blind trial
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double blind trial — dvigubai aklas tyrimas statusas T sritis biomedicinos mokslai apibrėžtis Toks ↑klinikinis atsitiktinių imčių tyrimas, kai nei tyrėjas, nei tiriamasis nežino, katrai grupei (poveikio ar ↑kontrolinei) priklauso tiriamasis. atitikmenys: angl. double … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)
double-blind trial — see intervention study … The new mediacal dictionary
double-blind — UK US adjective [usually before noun] (also double blinded) ► used to describe a test of a new product, especially a medicine, in which one group of people is given the new product, and another group is given something that contains none of the… … Financial and business terms
double-blind — ADJ A double blind study or experiment compares two groups of people, one of which is being tested while the other is not. Neither the people doing the testing nor the members of the two groups know which group is being tested. In a double blind… … English dictionary
blind trial — see intervention study * * * a clinical trial with blinding, as opposed to an open trial. See single blind, double blind, and triple blind. Called also masked t … Medical dictionary
double-blind — adj. Double blind is used with these nouns: ↑trial … Collocations dictionary
double blind — dou·ble blind (dubґəl blīnd) pertaining to a clinical trial or other experiment in which neither the subject nor the person administering treatment knows which treatment the subject is receiving. The term double masked is sometimes… … Medical dictionary
DOUBLE-BLIND — (Roget s 3 Superthesaurus) n. [dub ul BLIYND] a medical study or test in which neither the researchers nor the subjects know who is receiving placebos and who is receiving real medicine, employed to assure objectivity. To attain maximum… … English dictionary for students
double-blind — dou′ble blind′ adj. lab of or pertaining to an experiment or clinical trial in which neither the researchers nor the subjects know which subjects are receiving the active treatment, etc., so as to eliminate bias … From formal English to slang
double-blind — /dub euhl bluynd /, adj. of or pertaining to an experiment or clinical trial in which neither the subjects nor the researchers know which subjects are receiving the active medication, treatment, etc., and which are not: a technique for… … Universalium