deciduous teeth

deciduous teeth

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the 20 teeth of the first dentition, which are shed and replaced by the permanent teeth. They begin to calcify at about the fourth month of fetal life, and near the end of the sixth month they all have begun to develop. The first incisors appear at about the age of months; they are followed by the second incisors month later; and, within months, by the maxillary incisors. The deciduous molars begin eruption at about 1 year, and the deciduous canines approximately 4 months later. All the deciduous teeth are expected to erupt by the time the child is years of age. The deciduous dentition formula (one side) is as follows:

where I = incisor; C = canine; M = molar. Symbol D. Called also baby, milk, primary, or temporary teeth; deciduous, first, primary, or temporary dentition; and dentes decidui [TA].

Models of deciduous teeth (A); deciduous canine (B); and deciduous second molar (C).

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • Deciduous teeth — Baby teeth redirects here. For other uses, see Baby teeth (disambiguation). Deciduous teeth A six year old girl s deciduous teeth, which are beginning to fall out. Latin …   Wikipedia

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  • Deciduous — For other uses, see Deciduous (disambiguation). Deciduous forest in autumn …   Wikipedia

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  • teeth — I (Roget s IV) n. Syn. dentition, fangs, tusks; see tooth 1 . II (Roget s 3 Superthesaurus) n. molars, bicuspids, incisors, canines, *grinders, fangs, *pearly whites. WORD FIND • adolescence, last molars that erupt: wisdom teeth • baby or… …   English dictionary for students

  • Deciduous — De*cid u*ous (?; 135), a. [L. deciduus, fr. dec?dere to fall off; de + cadere to fall. See {Chance}.] (Biol.) Falling off, or subject to fall or be shed, at a certain season, or a certain stage or interval of growth, as leaves (except of… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • deciduous — ► ADJECTIVE 1) (of a tree or shrub) shedding its leaves annually. Contrasted with EVERGREEN(Cf. ↑evergreen). 2) (of teeth or horns) shed after a time. ORIGIN Latin deciduus, from decidere fall down or off …   English terms dictionary

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