cancer phobia

cancer phobia
a disorder of the phobic type leading to compulsively performed rituals, especially repeated hand-washing, changing of clothes that have been touched by others, avoidance of air breathed by others, and even avoidance of any contact with other persons. Minor symptoms are interpreted as signs of cancer and panic attacks may occur. As with any other phobic disorder, cancer phobia cannot be treated by appeals to reason. Some success has been achieved by various forms of behaviour therapy.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • cancer phobia — a disorder of the phobic type in which minor symptoms are interpreted as signs of cancer and panic attacks may occur. As with any other phobic disorder, cancer phobia cannot be treated by appeals to reason. Some success has been achieved by… …   The new mediacal dictionary

  • Канцерофобия (Cancer Phobia) — изменение личности, характеризующееся навязчивым страхом заболеть раком и приводящее к принудительному выполнению некоторых действий (особенно, часто повторяющееся мытье рук, смена одежды, которая соприкасалась с другими людьми, боязнь дышать тем …   Медицинские термины

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  • Phobia — An unreasonable sort of fear that can cause avoidance and panic. Phobias are a relatively common type of anxiety disorder. For example, extreme fear of spiders is called arachnophobia, and fear of being outside is known as agoraphobia. Phobias… …   Medical dictionary

  • phobia — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. fear, dread, aversion, revulsion, repulsion, dislike, antipathy; acrophobia, claustrophobia, etc. See insanity. II (Roget s IV) n. 1. [Neurosis] Syn. fear, dread, unreasoned fear, Angst (German); see… …   English dictionary for students

  • КАНЦЕРОФОБИЯ — (cancer phobia) изменение личности, характеризующееся навязчивым страхом заболеть раком и приводящее к принудительному выполнению некоторых действий (особенно, часто повторяющееся мытье рук, смена одежды, которая соприкасалась с другими людьми,… …   Толковый словарь по медицине

  • cancerphobia — can·cer·pho·bia .kan(t) sər fō bē ə or can·cer·o·pho·bia sər ō fō n an abnormal dread of cancer * * * can·cer·pho·bia (kan″sər foґbe ə) [cancer + phobia] irrational fear of cancer …   Medical dictionary

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  • diagnosis — /duy euhg noh sis/, n., pl. diagnoses / seez/. 1. Med. a. the process of determining by examination the nature and circumstances of a diseased condition. b. the decision reached from such an examination. Abbr.: Dx 2. Biol. scientific… …   Universalium

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