
a rare tumour of the ovary, composed of Sertoli cells, Leydig cells, or both. It can produce male or female hormones and may give rise to masculinization; in children it may cause precocious puberty. Up to 30% of these tumours are malignant, but probably as many as 85% of all cases are cured by surgery alone.

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an·dro·blas·to·ma (an″dro-blas-toґmə) 1. a rare, benign tumor of the testis that histologically resembles the fetal testis; there are three varieties: diffuse stromal, mixed (stromal and epithelial), and tubular (epithelial). Sertoli cells in the epithelial elements may produce estrogen and cause feminization. Called also gonadal stromal tumor, Pick testicular or tubular adenoma, tubular adenoma, and Sertoli cell tumor. 2. a rare tumor of the ovary, usually occurring in young women; both Sertoli cells (sex cord origin) and Leydig cells (stromal origin) are present. The tumor may cause masculinization and hirsutism, although occasionally estrogenic activity results. Called also Sertoli-Leydig cell tumor and arrhenoblastoma.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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