Human Genome Project

Human Genome Project
a massive international research project to elucidate the entire sequence of genes on all the human chromosomes. The human genome comprises some 3000 million nucleotide base pairs (see DNA) forming about 30,000 genes, distributed between 23 pairs of chromosomes. The sequence of these bases, along the length of each chromosome, is currently being determined in several centres in different parts of the world; a first draft of the sequence was published in 2001. The Human Genome Project is by far the most ambitious biological research programme of all time. Beginning in 1988, it is scheduled to last for 15 years. Knowledge of the entire human genome will be of incalculable value to medicine and human biology. It has already resulted in the identification of the genes associated with many hereditary disorders and revealed the existence of a genetic basis or component for many other diseases not previously known to have one. Theoretically, this would enable the development of drugs to alleviate conditions caused by deficiency of specific proteins and the large-scale genetic screening of populations known to be susceptible to particular disorders.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • Human Genome Project — The Human Genome Project (HGP) was an international scientific research project with a primary goal to determine the sequence of chemical base pairs which make up DNA and to identify the approximately 25,000 genes of the human genome from both a… …   Wikipedia

  • Human Genome Project — a federally funded U.S. scientific project to identify both the genes and the entire sequence of DNA base pairs that make up the human genome. [1985 90] * * * U.S. research effort initiated in 1990 by the U.S. Department of Energy and the… …   Universalium

  • Human Genome Project — Das Humangenomprojekt (HGP, engl. Human Genome Project) wurde im Herbst 1990 mit dem Ziel gegründet, das Genom des Menschen vollständig zu entschlüsseln, d. h. die Abfolge der Basenpaare in der menschlichen DNA auf ihren einzelnen Chromosomen… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Human Genome Project — noun an international scientific project to identify and map the genes of the human genome, based in the US; begun in 1990; first complete results released in 2003 with continuing analysis; potential applications in medicine and other areas.… …  

  • Human Genome Project, the — Human Genome ,Project, the a plan to discover and record everything that can be known about human DNA (=genetic material) by examining the order and structure of genes …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • Human Genome Project:Road Map for Science and Medicine — ▪ 2001 Introduction by Judith L. Fridovich Keil       Certain to rank among the all time landmarks of human technical achievement, the completion of a rough draft of the sequence of the human nuclear genome was announced in June 2000. Its… …   Universalium

  • Human Genome Project — Projet génome humain Pour les articles homonymes, voir PGH. Le Projet Génome Humain est un projet entrepris en 1990 dont la mission était d établir le séquençage complet de l ADN du génome humain. Son achèvement a été annoncé en avril 2003[1]. Le …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Human Genome Project — International effort aimed at identifying and sequencing (ordering) all of the bases in the human genome. American participation in this monumental undertaking has been supported by funds from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the… …   Medical dictionary

  • Human Genome Project — a massive international research project to elucidate the entire sequence of genes on all the human chromosomes. The human genome comprises some 3000 million nucleotide base pairs (see DNA) forming about 30,000 genes, distributed between 23 pairs …   The new mediacal dictionary

  • Human Genome Project — Hu′man Ge′nome Proj ect n. gen a scientific project to identify both the genes and the entire sequence of DNA base pairs that make up the human genome • Etymology: 1985–90 …   From formal English to slang

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