word-association test

word-association test
word-association test 'wərd- n a test of personality and mental function in which the subject is required to respond to each of a series of words with the first word that comes to mind or with a word of a specified class of words (as antonyms)

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • word-association test — [wʉrd′ə sō΄sē ā′shən] n. a psychological test in which the person being tested responds to a given word with the first word (or the first word in a specified category, such as an antonym) brought to mind * * * …   Universalium

  • word-association test — [wʉrd′ə sō΄sē ā′shən] n. a psychological test in which the person being tested responds to a given word with the first word (or the first word in a specified category, such as an antonym) brought to mind …   English World dictionary

  • word association test — noun : a method for exploring the content of the mind wherein the subject is required to respond to a stimulus word with the first word he thinks of or with one of a specified class of words * * * Psychol. a technique for determining a subject s… …   Useful english dictionary

  • word-association test — noun Date: 1946 a test of personality and mental function in which the subject is required to respond to each of a series of words with the first word that comes to mind or with a word of a specified class of words (as antonyms) …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • word association test — Psychol. a technique for determining a subject s associative pattern by providing a verbal stimulus to which a verbal response is required. [1945 50] * * * …   Universalium

  • Word Association Test — See projective tests …   Dictionary of sociology

  • Word Association — is a common word game involving an exchange of words that are associated together.How to playOnce an original word has been chosen, usually randomly or arbitrarily, a player will find a word that they associate with it and make it known to all… …   Wikipedia

  • association test — noun : word association test …   Useful english dictionary

  • association test — ▪ psychology       test used in psychology to study the organization of mental life, with special reference to the cognitive connections that underlie perception and meaning, memory, language, reasoning, and motivation. In the free association… …   Universalium

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