Widal reaction

Widal reaction
Wi·dal reaction also Wi·dal's reaction -'däl(z)- n a specific reaction consisting in agglutination of typhoid bacilli or other salmonellas when mixed with serum from a patient having typhoid fever or other salmonella infection and constituting a test for the disease
Wi·dal -däl Georges-Fernand-Isidore (1862-1929)
French physician and bacteriologist. Widal held a professorship of pathology and internal medicine at the University of Paris. In 1896 he developed the Widal reaction, a procedure for diagnosing typhoid fever based on the fact that antibodies in the blood of an infected individual cause the bacteria to bind together into clumps. In 1906 he recognized that the retention of sodium chloride was a feature found in cases of nephritis and cardiac edema, and he recommended salt deprivation as part of the treatment for both diseases.

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an agglutination test for the presence of antibodies against the Salmonella organisms that cause typhoid fever. It is thus a method of diagnosing the presence of the disease in a patient and also a means of identifying the organisms in infected material.
G. F. I. Widal (1862-1929), French physician

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see under test.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • Widal test — Widal s test Wi*dal s test, or Widal test Wi*dal test or Widal reaction Wi*dal reaction . [After Fernand Widal (b. 1862), French physician.] (Med.) A test for typhoid fever based on the fact that blood serum of one affected, in a bouillon culture …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Widal's test — Wi*dal s test, or Widal test Wi*dal test or Widal reaction Wi*dal reaction . [After Fernand Widal (b. 1862), French physician.] (Med.) A test for typhoid fever based on the fact that blood serum of one affected, in a bouillon culture of typhoid… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Widal test — also Widal s test n a test for detecting typhoid fever and other salmonella infections using the Widal reaction compare AGGLUTINATION TEST * * * Widal serum test (for typhoid and paratyphoid fevers) a test of serum of patients with suspected… …   Medical dictionary

  • Widal, Fernand-Isidore — ▪ French physician and bacteriologist born March 9, 1862, Dellys, Alg. died Jan. 14, 1929, Paris       French physician and bacteriologist who made important contributions to the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of many diseases.       In… …   Universalium

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