Wharton's jelly — is a gelatinous substance within the umbilical cord, composed of cells that originate in the original egg and sperm of conception. It is largely made up of mucopolysaccharides (hyaluronic acid and chondroitin sulfate). As a mucous tissue it… … Wikipedia
Wharton's jelly — Viscous hyaluronic acid rich jelly found in the umbilical cord … Dictionary of molecular biology
Wharton's jelly — the mesoderm tissue of the umbilical cord, which becomes converted to a loose jelly like mesenchyme surrounding the umbilical blood vessels … The new mediacal dictionary
Wharton duct jelly (gelatin) — Whar·ton duct, jelly (gelatin) (hworґtən) [Thomas Wharton, English physician and anatomist, 1614–1673] see ductus submandibularis, and see under jelly … Medical dictionary
wharton's jelly — noun Usage: usually capitalized W : a soft connective tissue that occurs in the umbilical cord and consists of large stellate fibroblasts and a few wandering cells and macrophages embedded in a homogeneous jellylike intercellular substance … Useful english dictionary
jelly of wharton — ˈhwȯrtən also ˈwȯ Usage: usually capitalized W Etymology: after Thomas Wharton died 1673 English anatomist : wharton s jelly … Useful english dictionary
Wharton's duct — Whar·ton s duct (h)wȯrt ənz n the duct of the submandibular gland that opens into the mouth on a papilla at the side of the frenulum of the tongue Wharton Thomas (1614 1673) British anatomist. Wharton was a physician attached to St. Thomas s… … Medical dictionary
Студень Вартонов (Wharton 'S Jelly) — эмбриональная соединительная (слизистая) ткань пупочного канатика, окружающая пупочные кровеносные сосуды. Источник: Медицинский словарь … Медицинские термины
jelly — 1. A semisolid tremulous compound usually containing some form of gelatin in aqueous solution. 2. SYN: jellyfish. [L. gelo, to freeze] box j. SYN: Chiropsalmus quadrumanus. cardiac j. term introduced by C.L. Davis for the … Medical dictionary
Wharton — Thomas, English anatomist and physician, 1614–1673. See W. duct, W. jelly … Medical dictionary