Weil-Felix reaction

Weil-Felix reaction
Weil-Fe·lix reaction '(ə)l-'-liks- n an agglutination test for various rickettsial infections (as typhus and tsutsugamushi disease) using particular strains of bacteria of the genus Proteus that have antigens in common with the rickettsiae to be identified
Weil Edmund (1880-1922), and
Felix Arthur (1887-1956)
Austrian bacteriologists. During World War I Felix served as a bacteriologist charged with the diagnosing of typhus in the Austrian army. As a result of his work he and Weil developed an agglutination test for typhus in 1916.

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a diagnostic test for typhus. A sample of the patient's serum is tested for the presence of antibodies against the organism Proteus vulgaris. Although this relatively harmless organism is not the cause of typhus, it possesses certain antigens in common with the causative agent of the disease and can therefore be used instead of it in laboratory tests. Typhus is suspected if antibodies are found to be present.
E. Weil (1880-1922), German physician; A. Felix (1887-1956), Czech bacteriologist

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see under test.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • Weil-Felix reaction — a diagnostic test for typhus. A sample of the patient s serum is tested for the presence of antibodies against the organism Proteus vulgaris. Although this relatively harmless organism is not the cause of typhus, it possesses certain antigens in… …   The new mediacal dictionary

  • Weil-Felix reaction — A test for the diagnosis of typhus and certain other rickettsial diseases. In this test, the blood serum of a patient with suspected rickettsial disease is tested against certain strains of Proteus vulgaris (OX 2, OX 19, OX K). The agglutination… …   Dictionary of microbiology

  • Weil-Felix test — n WEIL FELIX REACTION * * * (for typhus and certain other rickettsial diseases) the blood serum of a patient with suspected rickettsial disease is tested against certain strains of Proteus vulgaris (OX 2, OX 19, OX K).The agglutination reactions …   Medical dictionary

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  • Weil-Felix test — The Weil Felix test is a test for the presence and type of rickettsial disease based on the agglutination of OX strains of Proteus vulgaris with suspected rickettsia in a patient s blood serum. It is a heterophile agglutinition reaction. The non… …   Wikipedia

  • Weil-Felix test (reaction) — Weil Fe·lix test (reaction) (vīlґ faґliks) [Edmund Weil, Austrian physician in Czechoslovakia, 1880–1922; Arthur Felix, Polish born bacteriologist in England, 1887–1956] see under test …   Medical dictionary

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  • Felix — Arthur, Polish bacteriologist, 1887–1956. See Weil F. reaction, Weil F. test …   Medical dictionary

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