
- active a. SYN: acetyl-CoA.
- a. kinase [EC] a phosphotransferase forming acetyl phosphate and ADP from ATP and a.. An important enzyme in the formation of “high-energy” phosphate in certain microorganisms. SYN: acetokinase.

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ac·e·tate 'as-ə-.tāt n a salt or ester of acetic acid

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ac·e·tate (asґə-tāt) a salt or ester or the conjugate base of acetic acid.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • acétate — [ asetat ] n. m. • 1787; de acét(ique) et suff. chim. ate ♦ Chim. Sel ou ester de l acide acétique. Acétate cuivrique (verdet). Acétate d aluminium, employé comme mordant. Acétate de cellulose, ou absolt acétate, employé dans la fabrication de… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Acetate — Acétate En chimie, un acétate (le mot vient du latin acetum, le vinaigre) est un sel ou un ester de l acide acétique. La formule de l ion acétate est CH3COO. Le terme acétate peut aussi faire référence à l’acétate de cellulose, en particulier les …   Wikipédia en Français

  • acetate — [as′i tāt΄] n. [ ACET(IC) + ATE2] 1. a) a salt of acetic acid containing the monovalent, negative radical CH3COO b) an uncharged ester of this acid 2. CELLULOSE ACETATE 3 …   English World dictionary

  • Acetate — Ac e*tate, n. [L. acetum vinegar, fr. acere to be sour.] (Chem.) A salt formed by the union of acetic acid with a base or positive radical; as, acetate of lead, acetate of potash. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • acetate — ► NOUN 1) Chemistry a salt or ester of acetic acid. 2) fibre or plastic made of cellulose acetate. 3) a transparency made of cellulose acetate film …   English terms dictionary

  • acetate — (n.) 1827, salt formed by combining acetic acid with a base, from L. acetum vinegar (see ACETIC (Cf. acetic)) + chemical suffix ATE (Cf. ate) (3). As a type of synthetic material, it is attested from 1920, short for acetate silk, etc …   Etymology dictionary

  • Acetāte — Acetāte, soviel wie Essigsäuresalze, z. B. Natriumacetat, essigsaures Natron …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • Acetate — Acetate, die Salze und die Ester (s.d.) der Essigsäure. So bezeichnet man das essigsaure Aluminium, das essigsaure Eisen, den Bleizucker als Aluminium , Eisen , Bleiacetat, den Bleiessig als basisches Bleiacetat. Der Grünspan ist basisches… …   Lexikon der gesamten Technik

  • acetate — UK US /ˈæsɪteɪt/ noun ► [C] MEETINGS a thin piece of clear plastic with writing or drawing on it that you can show on a wall or screen using an overhead projector: »He was busy preparing acetates for his presentation …   Financial and business terms

  • Acetate — For other uses, see Acetate (disambiguation). acetate anion …   Wikipedia

  • Acétate — Ion acétate Général Synonymes éthanoate, Ac, OAc No CAS …   Wikipédia en Français

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