
The biceps is a muscle that has two heads or origins. In Latin, biceps means two-headed and is derived from "bis", twice + "caput", head. There is more than one biceps muscle. The biceps brachii is the well-known flexor muscle in the upper arm and bulges when the arm is bent in a C-shape with the fist toward the forehead. The biceps femoris is in the back of the thigh.
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A muscle with two origins or heads. Commonly used to refer to the b. brachii (muscle). [bi- + L. caput, head]

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bi·ceps '-.seps n, pl biceps also bi·ceps·es a muscle having two heads: as
a) the large flexor muscle of the front of the upper arm
b) the large flexor muscle of the back of the upper leg

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a muscle with two heads. The biceps brachii extends from the shoulder joint to the elbow. It flexes the arm and forearm and supinates the forearm and hand. The biceps femoris is situated at the back of the thigh and is responsible for flexing the knee, extending the thigh, and rotating the leg outwards.

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bi·ceps (biґseps) [bi- + L. caput head] a muscle having two heads.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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