- tolu balsam
- tolu balsam n BALSAM OF TOLU
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[USP] a balsam obtained from Myroxilon balsamum, used as an ingredient of compound benzoin tincture and as an expectorant.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
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[USP] a balsam obtained from Myroxilon balsamum, used as an ingredient of compound benzoin tincture and as an expectorant.Medical dictionary. 2011.
Tolu balsam — or balsam of Tolu (a variant of balsam of Peru) is the resinous secretion of Myroxylon toluifera. The resin, as well as the leaves and fruit, have been traditionally used by the people of Central America and South America to relieve coughs and… … Wikipedia
tolu balsam — noun aromatic yellowish brown balsam from the tolu balsam tree used especially in cough syrups • Syn: ↑tolu, ↑balsam of tolu • Hypernyms: ↑balsam • Hyponyms: ↑balsam of Peru • Substance Holonyms: ↑ … Useful english dictionary
Tolu balsam — balzaminis taukminas statusas T sritis vardynas apibrėžtis Pupinių šeimos dekoratyvinis, medieninis, prieskoninis, vaistinis augalas (Myroxylon balsamum), paplitęs Pietų Amerikoje. Iš jo gaminami maisto priedai (kvėpikliai), gaunami eterinis… … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)
Tolu-balsam-tree — balzaminis taukminas statusas T sritis vardynas apibrėžtis Pupinių šeimos dekoratyvinis, medieninis, prieskoninis, vaistinis augalas (Myroxylon balsamum), paplitęs Pietų Amerikoje. Iš jo gaminami maisto priedai (kvėpikliai), gaunami eterinis… … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)
tolu balsam tree — noun medium sized tropical American tree yielding tolu balsam and a fragrant hard wood used for high grade furniture and cabinetwork • Syn: ↑tolu tree, ↑Myroxylon balsamum, ↑Myroxylon toluiferum • Hypernyms: ↑tree • Member Holonyms: ↑Myroxylon … Useful english dictionary
tolu balsam tincture — a preparation of tolu balsam in alcohol; used in expectorant mixtures and in the preparation of tolu balsam syrup … Medical dictionary
Tolu-Balsam — D✓To|lu|bal|sam, To|lu Bal|sam, der; s {{link}}K 143{{/link}} <nach der Hafenstadt Tolú in Kolumbien> (ein Pflanzenbalsam) … Die deutsche Rechtschreibung
balsam of Tolu — balsam of To·lu tə lü n a balsam from a tropical American leguminous tree (Myroxylon balsamum) used esp. as an expectorant and as a flavoring for cough syrups called also tolu, tolu balsam … Medical dictionary
Balsam — is a term used for various pleasantly scented plant products. An oily or gummy oleoresin, usually containing benzoic acid or cinnamic acid, obtained from the exudates of various trees and shrubs and used as a base for some botanical medicines.… … Wikipedia
tolu — [tō lo͞o′] n. [Sp tolú, after Tolú, Caribbean seaport in Colombia] a fragrant gum obtained from the bark of a leguminous South American tree (Myroxylon balsamum), used in cough mixtures, flavorings, perfumes, etc.: also tolu balsam or tolu … English World dictionary