tissue plasminogen activator
- tissue plasminogen activator
tissue plasminogen activator n a clot-
dissolving enzyme that has an affinity for fibrin,
that catalyzes the conversion of plasminogen to plasmin,
that is produced naturally in blood vessel linings,
and that is used in a genetically engineered form to prevent damage to heart muscle following a heart attack and to reduce neurological damage following ischemic stroke abbr. tPA
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(TPA) (t-PA), t-plasminogen activator a. [EC] a serine endopeptidase synthesized by endothelial cells, the major physiologic activator of plasminogen; when bound to fibrin clots it catalyzes the conversion of plasminogen to plasmin by hydrolysis of a specific arginine-valine bond. It can be produced by recombinant technology for use in therapeutic thrombolysis.
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Tissue plasminogen activator — (abbreviated tPA or PLAT) is a protein involved in the breakdown of blood clots. Specifically, it is a serine protease (EC number| found on endothelial cells, the cells that line the blood vessels. As an enzyme, it catalyzes the… … Wikipedia
tissue plasminogen activator — n. an enzyme produced by the blood vessels that dissolves blood clots by converting plasminogen into plasmin: it is manufactured using recombinant DNA technology and used to prevent stroke, etc … English World dictionary
tissue plasminogen activator — noun a thrombolytic agent (trade name Activase) that causes fibrinolysis at the site of a blood clot; used in treating acute myocardial infarction • Syn: ↑Activase • Usage Domain: ↑trade name (for: ↑Activase) • Hypernyms: ↑ … Useful english dictionary
tissue plasminogen activator — An enzyme made in the body that helps dissolve blood clots. A form of this enzyme is made in the laboratory to treat heart attacks, strokes, and clots in the lungs. It is also being studied in the treatment of cancer. Tissue plasminogen activator … English dictionary of cancer terms
tissue plasminogen activator — (= TPA; tPA) Plasma serine protease, one of a closely related group of plasminogen activators. Contains an EGF like domain and multiple copies of the kringle domain … Dictionary of molecular biology
recombinant tissue plasminogen activator — A form of tissue plasminogen activator that is made in the laboratory. It helps dissolve blood clots and is used to treat heart attacks, strokes, and clots in the lungs. It is also being studied in the treatment of cancer. It is a type of… … English dictionary of cancer terms
tissue plasminogen activator — noun Date: 1981 a clot dissolving enzyme with an affinity for fibrin that is produced naturally in blood vessel linings and is used in a genetically engineered form to prevent damage to heart muscle following a heart attack and reduce… … New Collegiate Dictionary
Tissue plasminogen activator — Activateur tissulaire du plasminogène Fibrinolyse. L activateur tissulaire du plasminogène (t PA) est une enzyme protéolytique initiant la fibrinolyse. Elle est sécrété par l endothélium vasculaire plusieurs jours après lésion de celui ci et son… … Wikipédia en Français
tissue plasminogen activator — Biochem. 1. an anticlotting enzyme, naturally occurring in small amounts in the blood. 2. Pharm. the same enzyme, produced in large amounts by genetic engineering techniques for use in dissolving blood clots. Abbr.: TPA * * * … Universalium
Tissue Plasminogen Activator — Tis|sue Plas|mi|no|gen Ac|ti|va|tor [ tɪʃju plæsmɪnədʒən aektɪ veɪtə[r]; engl. = Gewebeplasminogenaktivator]: svw. ↑ tPA … Universal-Lexikon