
1. The taking in, incorporation, or reception of gases, liquids, light, or heat. Cf.:adsorption. 2. In radiology, the uptake of energy from radiation by the tissue or medium through which it passes. See half-value layer, photoelectric effect, attenuation. [L. absorptio, fr. absorbeo, to swallow]
- cutaneous a. SYN: percutaneous a..
- disjunctive a. a. of living tissue in immediate relation with a necrosed part, producing a line of demarcation.
- electron resonance a. electron spin resonance.
- external a. the a. of substances through skin, mucocutaneous surfaces, or mucous membranes.
- interstitial a. the removal of water or of substances in the interstitial fluid by the lymphatics.
- parenteral a. a. by any route other than the alimentary tract.
- pathologic a. parenteral a. of any excremental or pathologic material into the bloodstream, e.g., pus, urine, bile, etc.
- percutaneous a. the a. of drugs, allergens, and other substances through unbroken skin. The corneal layer of epidermis is the principal barrier. SYN: cutaneous a..
- photoelectric a. interaction of a gamma photon with matter in which the incident photon is completely absorbed, giving up all its energy by displacing and accelerating an inner shell electron. SEE ALSO: photoelectric effect.

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ab·sorp·tion əb-'sȯrp-shən, -'zȯrp- n
1) the process of absorbing or of being absorbed <\absorption of nourishment in the small intestine> compare ADSORPTION
2) interception of radiant energy or sound waves

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(in physiology) the uptake of fluids or other substances by the tissues of the body. Digested food is absorbed into the blood and lymph from the alimentary canal. Most absorption of food occurs in the small intestine - in the jejunum and ileum - although alcohol is readily absorbed from the stomach. The small intestine is lined with minute finger-like processes (see villus), which greatly increase its surface area and therefore the speed at which absorption can take place. See also assimilation, digestion.

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ab·sorp·tion (ab-sorpґshən) [L. absorptio] 1. the uptake of substances into or across tissues such as the skin, intestine, or renal tubules. 2. in psychology, devotion of thought to one object or activity, with inattention to others. 3. radiation a. 4. in chemistry, the penetration of a substance within the inner structure of another. Cf. adsorption.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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