suprarenal body
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suprarenal body — noun see suprarenal gland * * * suprarenal gland, suprarenal body, or suprarenal capsule, one of the two ductless glands on or near the upper part of the kidneys, which secrete hormones, such as adrenalin; adrenal gland; renal gland … Useful english dictionary
suprarenal capsule — suprarenal gland, suprarenal body, or suprarenal capsule, one of the two ductless glands on or near the upper part of the kidneys, which secrete hormones, such as adrenalin; adrenal gland; renal gland … Useful english dictionary
suprarenal gland — noun either of a pair of complex endocrine glands situated near the kidney • Syn: ↑adrenal gland, ↑adrenal • Derivationally related forms: ↑adrenal (for: ↑adrenal) • Hypernyms: ↑ … Useful english dictionary
suprarenal — /suprəˈrinəl/ (say soohpruh reenuhl) adjective 1. situated above or on the kidney. 2. relating to or connected with a suprarenal. –noun 3. a suprarenal body, capsule, or gland …
suprarenal artery — n any of three arteries on each side of the body that supply the adrenal gland located on the same side and that arise from the inferior phrenic artery, the abdominal aorta, or the renal artery … Medical dictionary
body — 1. The head, neck, trunk, and extremities. The human b., consisting of head (caput), neck (collum), trunk (truncus), and limbs (membra). 2. The material part of a human, as distinguished from the … Medical dictionary
body — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) I n. torso (See body); solid, mass; group, assemblage; substance, bulk; main part. See whole, party. II Physical structure Nouns 1. body, anatomy, torso; carcass, cadaver, corpse, remains (See … English dictionary for students
suprarenal gland — A small gland that makes steroid hormones, adrenaline, and noradrenaline. These hormones help control heart rate, blood pressure, and other important body functions. There are two suprarenal glands, one on top of each kidney. Also called adrenal… … English dictionary of cancer terms
Superior suprarenal artery — Infobox Artery Name = PAGENAME Latin = arteriae suprarenales superiores GraySubject = GrayPage = Caption = Posterior abdominal wall, after removal of the peritoneum, showing kidneys, suprarenal capsules, and great vessels. Caption2 = BranchFrom … Wikipedia
Paranephric body — Infobox Anatomy Name = PAGENAME Latin = corpus adiposum pararenale GraySubject = 253 GrayPage = 1220 Caption = Sagittal section through posterior abdominal wall, showing the relations of the capsule of the kidney. (Paranephric body labeled at… … Wikipedia