- supramolecular
- su·pra·mo·lec·u·lar -mə-'lek-yə-lər adj more complex than a molecule also composed of many molecules
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
supramolecular — [so͞o΄prəmə lek′yə lər] adj. composed of more than one molecule … English World dictionary
Supramolecular chemistry — refers to the area of chemistry that focuses on the noncovalent bonding interactions of molecules. [cite journal | author=Lehn JM | title=Supramolecular chemistry | journal=Science | volume=260 | issue=5115 | year=1993 | pages=1762–3 |… … Wikipedia
Supramolecular electronics — is the experimental field of supramolecular chemistry that bridges the gap between molecular electronics and bulk plastics in the construction of electronic circuitry at the nanoscale 1. In supramolecular electronics, assemblies of pi conjugated… … Wikipedia
supramolecular structures (assemblies) — Supramolecular Structures{ (Assemblies) Супрамолекулярные структуры (ансамбли) Полимолекулярные ассоциаты, возникающие в результате спонтанного объединения неопределенно большого числа компонентов в специальную фазу, характеризуемую… … Толковый англо-русский словарь по нанотехнологии. - М.
Supramolecular assembly — A supramolecular assembly or supermolecule is a well defined complex of molecules held together by noncovalent bonds. While a supramolecular assembly can be simply composed of two molecules (e.g., a DNA double helix or an inclusion compound), it… … Wikipedia
Supramolecular polymers — A supramolecular polymer is a polymer whose monomer repeat units are held together by noncovalent bonds. Non covalent forces that hold supramolecular polymers together include coordination, π π interactions, and hydrogen bonding. One system that… … Wikipedia
supramolecular chemistry — supramolekulinė chemija statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Chemijos šaka, nagrinėjanti tarpmolekuliniais ryšiais susietų didelių molekulių kompleksų susidarymą ir savybes. atitikmenys: angl. supramolecular chemistry rus. супрамолекулярная химия … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
supramolecular — adjective Date: circa 1909 more complex than a molecule; also composed of many molecules … New Collegiate Dictionary
supramolecular — /sooh preuh meuh lek yeuh leuhr/, adj. 1. having an organization more complex than that of a molecule. 2. composed of an aggregate of molecules. [1905 10; SUPRA + MOLECULAR] * * * … Universalium
supramolecular — adjective consisting of many molecules; of scale or complexity greater than that of a molecule … Wiktionary