sulfonic — SULFÓNIC, Ă, sulfonici, e, adj. (chim.) Aparţinând, referitor la sau derivat din grupul acid univalent SO3H. ♦ Acid sulfonic = Acid care conţine grupul SO3H şi se obţine din acidul sulfuric prin înlocuirea unui grup hidroxil cu un anion anorganic … Dicționar Român
sulfonic — [sul fän′ik] adj. [< SULFONE + IC] designating or of the monovalent acid group SO3H … English World dictionary
sulfonic — adjective a) Of or pertaining to the SOOH group b) Of or pertaining to a sulfonic acid or its derivatives … Wiktionary
sulfonic acid — n. any of numerous organic acids containing the sulfonic group SO3H, derived from sulfuric acid by the replacement of an OH group: used in the manufacture of dyes, drugs, phenols, etc … English World dictionary
Sulfonic acid — General structure of sulfonic acid. R can also be equal to H. Sulfonic acid (or sulphonic acid) usually refers to a member of the class of organosulfur compounds with the general formula RS(=O)2–OH, where R is an alkyl or aryl.[1] The formal part … Wikipedia
sulfonic acid — Chem. any of a large group of organic compounds of the structure RSO2OH, which are strong acids that give neutral sodium salts: used in the synthesis of phenols, dyes, and other substances. [1870 75] * * * ▪ chemical compound sulfonic also… … Universalium
sulfonic anhydride — noun any compound, of general formula RS(=O)OS(=O)R, that is the acid anhydride of a sulfonic acid … Wiktionary
sulfonic acid — Any of the compounds in which a hydrogen atom of a CH group is replaced by the s. group, –SO3H; general formula : R–SO3H. SYN: sulfoacid (2). * * * sulfonic acid n any of numerous acids that contain the SO3H group and may be derived from sulfuric … Medical dictionary
sulfonic acid — sulfonrūgštis statusas T sritis chemija formulė RSO₃H atitikmenys: angl. sulfonic acid rus. сульфокислота; сульфоновая кислота … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
sulfonic — adjective Date: 1873 of, relating to, being, or derived from the monovalent acid group SO3H … New Collegiate Dictionary
sulfonic — /sul fon ik/, adj. Chem. sulfo. [1870 75; SULFONE + IC] * * * … Universalium