- abortient
- SYN: abortifacient (1).
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abor·tient (ə-borґshənt) abortifacient.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
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abor·tient (ə-borґshənt) abortifacient.Medical dictionary. 2011.
abortient — abortient, a. rare 0. (əˈbɔːʃ(ɪ)ənt) [ad. L. abortient em pr. pple. of abortī re (in Vulgate), f. abort us; see abort n.] ‘Bot. Miscarrying; sterile.’ Craig 1847, and later Dicts … Useful english dictionary
abortient — 1. noun Abortifacient; an agent producing abortion. 2. adjective Reproductively sterile or miscarrying … Wiktionary
abortifacient — 1. Producing abortion. SYN: aborticide, abortient, abortigenic, abortive (3). 2. An agent that produces abortion. [L. abortus, abortion, + facio, to make] * * * abor·ti·fa·cient ə .bȯrt ə fā shənt adj inducing abortion abortifacien … Medical dictionary