Stokes-Adams syndrome

Stokes-Adams syndrome
Stokes-Ad·ams syndrome .stōks-'ad-əmz- n fainting and convulsions induced by complete heart block with a pulse rate of 40 beats per minute or less called also Adams-Stokes attack, Adams-Stokes disease, Adams-Stokes syndrome, Stokes-Adams attack, Stokes-Adams disease W. Stokes see CHEYNE-STOKES RESPIRATION
Adams Robert (1791-1875)
British physician. Adams enjoyed a high reputation as a surgeon and specialist in pathological anatomy. He practiced medicine at several Dublin hospitals. His most important scientific contributions were made in cardiology and the autopsies of patients suffering from various cardiac disorders. He associated cerebral symptoms and slowing of the pulse with cardiac disease. This phenomenon had been noted earlier by Morgagni and would be confirmed later by William Stokes. Adams published his monograph on diseases of the heart in 1827.

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attacks of temporary loss of consciousness that occur when blood flow ceases due to ventricular fibrillation or to asystole. This syndrome may complicate heart block. It is treated by means of a battery-operated pacemaker.
W. Stokes (1804-78) and R. Adams (1791-1875), Irish physicians

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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