somatize — verb To manifest mental pain as pain in ones body … Wiktionary
somatize — so·ma·tize … English syllables
somatize — ˈsōməˌtīz verb ( ed/ ing/ s) Etymology: somat + ize transitive verb : to express (as psychological conflicts) through somatic symptoms intransitive verb : to express psychological conflicts through somatic symptoms … Useful english dictionary
Major depressive disorder — For other depressive disorders, see Mood disorder. Major Depressive Disorder Classification and external resources … Wikipedia
Conversion syndrome — describes a condition in which physical symptoms arise for which there is no clear explanation. The term stems from the 19th century European conception of hysteria, which itself can be traced back to Ancient Egyptian papyri from the 16th century … Wikipedia
Dahn yoga — Health Centers, Inc. Type Privately held Industry Health and Wellness Founded June 18, 1996 (1996 06 18) … Wikipedia
somatizar — ► verbo transitivo SICOLOGÍA Convertir un trastorno síquico en un síntoma orgánico y funcional. SE CONJUGA COMO cazar * * * somatizar (de «somático») tr. Psi. Convertir un ↘trastorno psíquico en alteraciones orgánicas o funcionales. ⊚ prnl. Psi.… … Enciclopedia Universal
somatise — /ˈsoʊmətaɪz/ (say sohmuhtuyz) verb (i) (somatised, somatising) to convert psychological distress into physical disorders, usually to gain attention, elicit sympathy, etc. Also, somatize. –somatiser, noun –somatisation, noun …
somatizar — (Del ingl. to somatize, y este der. del gr. σῶμα, ατος, cuerpo). tr. Transformar problemas psíquicos en síntomas orgánicos de manera involuntaria. U. t. c. intr. Tiene tendencia a somatizar. U. t. c. prnl. [m6]Los trastornos psíquicos tienden a… … Diccionario de la lengua española
somat- — combining form or somato Etymology: New Latin, from Greek sōmat , sōmato , from sōmat , sōma body 1. a. : body somatology … Useful english dictionary