sinus of Valsalva

sinus of Valsalva
sinus of Val·sal·va -väl-'säl- n any one of the pouches of the aorta and pulmonary artery which are located behind the flaps of the semilunar valves and into which the blood in its regurgitation toward the heart enters and thereby closes the valves called also aortic sinus
Valsalva Antonio Maria (1666-1723)
Italian anatomist. In 1704 Valsalva published a major treatise on the anatomy and physiology of the human ear. Among other things this work is notable for its outstanding illustrations. For the middle ear he gave clear illustrations of the hammer and the tube, calling the latter the eustachian tube. He described the morphology of the pharyngeal musculature and the muscle fasciae controlling the eustachian tube. In his treatise on the ear he introduced the Valsalva maneuver. The maneuver was originally designed as a method of removing foreign bodies from the ear. As a surgeon Valsalva did work in ophthalmology and rhinology and performed vasal and tumor surgery.

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sinus aortae.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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