second messenger

second messenger
second messenger n an intracellular substance (as cyclic AMP) that mediates cell activity by relaying a signal from an extracellular molecule (as of a hormone or neurotransmitter) bound to the cell's surface compare FIRST MESSENGER

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an organic molecule that acts within a cell to initiate the response to a signal carried by a chemical messenger (e.g. a hormone) that does not itself enter the cell. Examples of second messengers are inositol triphosphate and cyclic AMP.

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any of several classes of intracellular signals that act at or are situated within the plasma membrane and translate electrical or chemical messages from the environment (first messengers) into cellular responses; such messengers include changes in membrane potential, calcium ions, cyclic nucleotides, and products of phosphatidylinositol turnover.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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