- Zoonosis
- An infectious disease in animals that can be transmitted to people. The natural reservoir for the infectious agent is a animal. Examples of zoonoses include rabies (a viral disease that can be transmitted to humans through an infected animal's bite) and psittacosis (a chlamydial infection resembling influenza that is spread to humans by the droppings of infected birds). Anthrax is a zoonosis. It normally affects animals, especially ruminants (such as goats, cattle, sheep, and horses), but can be transmitted to humans by contact with infected animals or their products or by biological warfare.
* * *An infection or infestation shared in nature by humans and other animals. SEE ALSO: anthropozoonosis, cyclozoonosis, metazoonosis, saprozoonosis, zooanthroponosis. [zoo- + G. nosos, disease]- direct z. a z. transmitted between humans and other animals from an infected to a susceptible host by contact, by airborne droplets or droplet nuclei, or by some vehicle of transmission; the agent requires a single vertebrate host for completion of its life cycle and does not develop or show significant change during transmission; may include anthropozoonoses (rabies), zooanthroponoses (amebiasis), and amphixenoses (certain streptococcoses).
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zoo·no·sis .zō-ə-'nō-səs, zō-'än-ə-səs n, pl -no·ses -.sēz a disease communicable from animals to humans under natural conditions* * *
n.an infectious disease of animals that can be transmitted to humans. See anthrax, brucellosis, cat-scratch fever, cowpox, glanders, Q fever, Rift Valley fever, rabies, rat-bite fever, toxoplasmosis, tularaemia, typhus.* * *
zoo·no·sis (zo″o-noґsis) (zo-onґə-sis) pl. zoonoґses [zoo- + nos- + -is] a disease of nonhuman animals that may be transmitted to humans under natural conditions. zoonotic adj
Medical dictionary. 2011.