Schilling test

Schilling test
Schilling test n a test for gastrointestinal absorption of vitamin B12 in which a dose of the radioactive vitamin is taken orally, a dose of the nonradioactive vitamin is given by injection to impede uptake of the absorbed radioactive dose by the liver, and the proportion of the radioactive dose absorbed is determined by measuring the radioactivity of the urine
Schilling Robert Frederick (b 1919)
American hematologist. Schilling undertook research on the absorption and utilization of vitamin B12, the mechanisms involved in the causation of anemia, and on the gastrointestinal absorption of nutrients. He introduced the Schilling test in 1953.

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a test used to assess a patient's capacity to absorb vitamin B12 from the bowel. Radioactive vitamin B12 is given by mouth and urine collected for 24 hours. A normal individual will excrete at least 10% of the original dose over this period; a patient with pernicious anaemia will excrete less than 5%.
R. F. Schilling (1919- ), US physician

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Schil·ling test (shilґing) [Robert Frederick Schilling, American hematologist, born 1919] see under test.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • Schilling test — /shilˈing test/ (medicine) noun A test to assess capacity to absorb vitamin B12 from the bowel, used in the diagnosis of pernicious anaemia ORIGIN: RF Schilling (born 1919), US physician …   Useful english dictionary

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  • Schilling test — a test used to assess a patient s capacity to absorb vitamin B12 from the bowel. Radioactive vitamin B12 is given by mouth and urine collected for 24 hours. A normal individual will excrete at least 10% of the original dose over this period; a… …   The new mediacal dictionary

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