
sa·po·nin 'sap-ə-nən, -'- n any of various mostly toxic glucosides that occur in plants (as soapbark) and are characterized by the property of producing a soapy lather esp a hygroscopic amorphous saponin mixture used esp. as a foaming and emulsifying agent and detergent

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sap·o·nin (sapґo-nin) any of a group of glycosides found in plants such as Quillaja saponaria and Saponaria officinalis; they form a durable foam when their watery solutions are shaken and even in high dilutions can dissolve red blood cells. Their aglycon is sapogenin.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • Saponin — Sap o*nin, n. [L. sapo, onis soap: cf. F. saponine.] (Chem.) A poisonous glucoside found in many plants, as in the root of soapwort ({Saponaria}), in the bark of soap bark ({Quillaia}), etc. It is extracted as a white amorphous powder, which… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • saponin — [sap′ə nin] n. [Fr saponine < L sapo (see SAPONIFY) + in, IN1] any of a group of glycosides, found in soapbark, etc., which form a soapy foam when dissolved in water: used as detergents, etc …   English World dictionary

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  • saponin — noun Etymology: French saponine, from Latin sapon , sapo Date: 1831 any of various mostly toxic glucosides that occur in plants (as soapwort or soapbark) and are characterized by the property of producing a soapy lather; especially a hygroscopic… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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  • saponin —    Any plant glycoside with soapy action that can be digested to yield a sugar and a sapogenin aglycone. Many (but not all) saponins can be toxic and speed up hemoglobin degradation. Some herbs with important saponin constituents are Yucca and… …   Herbal-medical glossary

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